Digital operations for the off-grid sector

A report on how digital operations - from remote monitoring to digital payments - help boost the off-grid sector.

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In this report, we outline how digital operations is benefiting the energy access industry.

The off-grid sector faces unique operational challenges which fall loosely into two categories: the operation and optimization of technology in remote areas and the management of a widely dispersed, often poor customer base.

This report presents the enabling technologies and takes a look at the currently available solutions along with an assessment of how they can boost growth of the off-grid sector.

Key findings:

  • Remote monitoring gives the energy access industry the data to transform their businesses from the provision of energy services to offering a broader set of customer solutions.

  • The combination of digital payments with digital operations, particularly remote lockout technology, has led to the success of PAYGO.

  • Without digitizing operations, it will be very difficult to scale mini-grids beyond 10-20 sites.

This document is part of the sector-wide report Energy access, data and digital solutions which is available here.

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